Sunday, December 31, 2006


今早起床的時候, 想起一件我一直以來都很想做的事. 我很想可以跟他起床後, 甚麼也不理, 坐在床上舒舒服服的看書. 我還未有跟他說, 他飯後竟然 suggest 我們去 Starbucks 看幾小時書~ 但回家已是 10pm, 很多 stores 都在 11pm 前關門. 結果, 如我所願, 我們坐在床上, 他看他的 "Mind Set!" by John Naisbitt, 我看我的 "If You Could See Me" by Cecelia Ahern (今天新買的!). 對我來說, 這是人生一大樂事. ^^"

Saturday, December 30, 2006

A Good Movie

Yesterday night, I watched "The Pursuit of Happyness" with Yip, Joe, Hen & Jo. I think it really matches this blog. =P There are smiles & tears throughout the movie, but starting from the beginning, the main character strives for happiness for himself and for his family, and he never stopped. Life has its highs and lows. Maybe it's gravity, the lows always tend to sink lower, and the highs seem to be the beginning of a fall. But it's just an illusion, I'd say. Happiness doesn't knock on your door to find you -- you have to look for and work for it. That's pretty much my view of life. We can smile through pain, if we want to. =)

Friday, December 29, 2006


昨晚業 10:30pm 便睡覺了! 跟 Jo 一樣, 這是非常值得開心的事! 他們經過一番努力, 終於可以休息了. ^^" 而我反而是睡得太多, 結果聽歌聽了一個小時才睡得著. =P

今天填了兩首詞! Yeah~

< 寂寞太多 > 曲/編: Benedict Lee, 詞: 曰云@sense
< 三分三秒 > 曲/編: Adam Chan, 詞: 曰云@sense

Happy Night

I am so happy!!!!!
Last night, Hen brought me out for dinner, my favourite hot pot dinner. YEAH! I guess the last time we had the 2 ppl world dinner was almost 2 months ago. We ate a lot and the food has full our tummies. We wanted to go for dessert afterwards but we were just too full, couldn't feed in anymore thing.
After dinner, we went to Fairview to shop a bit, we wanted to watch the movie 'The Holiday' but it would be too late to go back hom because I usually sleep at 11:30pm during weekdays.
We will watch the movie tonight. YEAH! :)
Happiest thing is.....congrats to Hen and Yip for their time efforts and hard work over the month. They have finally finished the project. Good Good Good. Let's celebrate!!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006


當作曲人把我填的歌詞放上他 msn 的名字, 已勝過千言萬語. ^-^

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Good Book

Ann & Moo gave me Mitch Albom's new book "For One More Day" for Christmas, which makes me so happy! I finished reading it last night~ It's about a man, a failed attempt to suicide, and an extra day spent with his dead mother. It's so touching...The language is simple, the story is straight forward, but you'll get so much from it. Right from the beginning to the last page. There are things that we missed, things that we did wrong, things that we wish we didn't do. We take too many things for granted and we waste too much time striving for things that are not ours. But we do have the power to fix it if we have the courage and the heart.

For more information, go to this website. I highly recommend this book to everyone!

Books make me happy~
Merry Christmas to all of you! I know it's a bit late but better than no wishes, right? :)

Time flies, party is over, K is over, Christmas is over and Boxing Day is over.

On the 23rd, we all gathered at our place and held a potluck party, I wish everyone had fun!!! Every year, we have a "party shooting target", last year was someone who gave out "The 7 office wonders gift", this year, who will be that ''shooting target''?! Hahahhh...of course I won't write it here. :) Since this person will be poor enough for others to tease at till next X'Mas.

This year, we went to karaoke for 'count down', right at 12 a.m., Hen kissed me and said "Merry Christmas, Lo poh!" I was like "huh?! It's X'Mas already?" We didn't sing more than 8 songs in total, we played and drank. The game "Monalisa" was a trap, especially for someone like me who don't know how to determine left and right. Hen drank quite a lot but not yet drunk though. When we got home, it was almost 3:30pm, I took a little nap then drove my sister-in-law and her bf to the airport.

We had a very quiet Christmas, we just went dim sum and dinner with family, other than that, we stayed home. I took a long nap, just to recharge my energy as I was so tired and exhausted after 2 nights staying up late.

Boxing Day, we didn't go shopping at all, I just didn't feel like to go to somewhere with crowd of people. After dim sum, we went home and played Wii, then dined out and played MJ with mum and Auntie Catherine at home. It was fun to play with them.

During dinner time last night, dad mentioned again about the family trip. I preferred Cruise more than land tours because I want a relax trip. I don't enjoy at joining tours cos' I hate to deal with those stupid morning calls every early morning, it makes my time harder than my usual work hours. This coming trip reminds me years ago when the Ho's family was arranging family trip to Cuba/Mexica/Brazil, hen's parents always ask me to join. Of course, I didn't. It's their family time, they came to ask me because they counted me as one of their family members but I wasn't a real part of the family and I wanted the real Ho's Family to have fun themselves so I always "No" because they need to have some privacy too. I would join them if they have local tour or somewhere near but definitely, no luxury trip allowed. I seldom say YES, just feel like it's too much. Eventhough I have enough to pay for my own trip, I would rather go with my own family because I want to spend more time with them. This year, I am Mrs. Ho, I still feel a bit weird to join, cos' it's really too pricy and luxury. In fact, I really want to go back to HK to visit my parents and grandies. I miss them a lot.

I finally squeezed sometime out to post our recent pictures onto our photosite: I guess it will be a good news to mum as she urges me to post photos from time to time.

Monday, December 25, 2006


- 跟一班一年級的小朋友開了個 Christmas Party
- 媽媽送了一個無線電話給我~ ^^"
- 業送了一個 LCD Mon & 一件褸給我. 今次是他第一次有 plan 地送禮物給我!
- 在他家開了 party, 玩得好開心~ 最開心的是大家吃光了我造的 cheesecake~ 有人吃了四件, 有人夜晚餓了的時候問還有沒有 cheesecake. ^^"
- Auntie 織了一件衫給我!! ^-^
- 他姐姐 Ann & 男朋友 Moo 送了 Mitch ALbom 的新書 給我~ 之前也想過買了, 不過想等 paperback~ 現在可以讀了!
- 他嫂嫂 Jo 送了一件衫給我~
- 今天跟爸爸媽媽 & 業吃了聖誕午餐. 之後去了他家, 看他 & 他的哥哥打機. 就這樣花了一個下午! 之後跟他的家人吃晚飯, 回家後看了不太好看的 <戀愛初歌>. 不過...好開心. =)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

本來想快快手快快腳入泥同大家講聲聖誕快樂, 點知唔知咩原因login唔返,
唔該晒小雲幫我sort out返~


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Concert

今天 Xanga 的 post 都是開心的事情, 所以 copy & paste 了過來. =P

今天返了小學, 有很多小朋友坐在 office 前面~ 有些老師彈著琴, project 了歌詞在牆上, 跟他們大唱聖誕歌~ Aww......好溫馨呢! 學生們都很 surprised 在星期三會見到我~ 有一個新學生, 很快就跟我 friend 了~ Ms.Carson 說他喜歡我, 因為這兩天他也沒有跟她談話, 但他會主動走過來 show 他的勞作給我看, 會跟我說話~ 可能是因為他是中國人吧, 看到我覺得比較有親切感. ^^" 好開心這麼快便跟他 bond 了~

Recess 去了找 Mr.Herridge, 取了我的 Mid-term report. 他對我的評語很好, 由 understanding of curriculum 到 lesson planning 到 creativity 到 deliverary 都是讚不絕口~ 最開心的是他說我上堂時大聲清楚, 很易明白!! 在我的學業生涯, 好像從來都沒有老師說過我大聲. 總是叫我"大聲D大聲D". 所以那一刻真的好感動. ><" 昨天碰到一個很久沒有見面的中學同學, 她說誰也不會想到我會做老師. 以前的我是個害羞, 細細聲的女孩. 沒有人想過我會有這麼多東西會藉著歌詞去說出來, 沒有人想過我會站在二十學生面前教導他們. 現在的我是蛻變了的我.

Ms.Carson 買了 Gingerbread Man, 一人一個, 讓他們用糖果來 decorate! 我也有份! 不過我忘記了帶回家! 希望她會替我保存著, 星期五可以帶走! 我未吃過 gingerbread, 很想試試 hehe~

他們今晚 7:00pm concert, 業放工便來接我. 他們都很興奮呢! 我穿上了紅色的外衣, 墨綠色的 tube top & 裙子, 還戴了聖誕帽, 很有聖誕氣氛 hehe~ Kindergarten, Gr.1, 2, 3, 7&8 都有表演, 那些小朋友唱歌實在太可愛了! "HO HO HO! Who wouldn't go? HO HO HO! Who wouldn't go up on the house top? HO HO HO!" Hahahah~ 到最後, 由 "Greensborough Faculty Orchestra" 完場~ 有六個人, 校長還彈結他呢! 第一次以老師的身份表演, 好興奮~ ^^" 好喜歡聽到學生們大叫 "Ms.Chung!" 的樣子, 好有滿足感~ 校長聽到的時候都跟我說, "You're fitting into this family eh?" Hehe~

送了聖誕禮物給業, 是一個盒子. 盒子的 cover 貼了一張我跟他的影子的照片. 裡面是很多糖果, 分了兩邊, 一邊是開心的, 一邊是不開心的. 開心的糖果上貼了空的紙條, 讓他在開心的時候吃糖可以寫低他為甚麼開心. 不開心的糖果上貼了摺好的心, 拆開了就會見到一個無聊的, 好笑的或 encouraging 的 message, 每顆也不同的. 我不是無時無刻都在他身邊, 但希望這盒糖果會給他一點點支持與鼓勵~ ^-^

晚上跟 Fabby & Nic, Nora, Amy, YY & Lorraine 和業去 <鹿兒島> 吃日本菜. 一星期吃了三餐不同的日本菜. @.@ 跟她們一起的時間過得很快, 笑笑笑笑便過去了~

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Today, I got an email from my mother, asking me to vote for my cousin because she is participating the Miss Calendar Pageant in San Francisco. Last time I met this little girl, she just turned 7 years old and now she's 15. I have to admit that I am old and time flies rapidly! I wish her all the very best and please vote for her!~

This thing makes me feel happier....haha and I am looking forward to receiving some good news from her too and wish that I can win the Voter prize! I guess if I win, I will be the covergirl too but the headlines will be "a silly flew all the way from toronto to claim a prize (a dinner at a restaurant in San Francisco)".

Actually, she and I are not really related, it's my real cousin's cousin but we know each other. Funny thing is one of my friends said me and her look alike. WOW!!! I wish I would like her when I was 15. Heheh.



我話"唔好啦! 我搭慣0左巴士啦! 你俾個機會我著我對 boot 啦"

佢唯有應承啦。。。 車我返工之後就自己再楂車返工

到0左兩點幾, 我0係 filing room 做緊我最憎既 filing

有人突然叫我 "老婆"

原來係老公呀, 佢突登楂架車過來
買0左"南園"既叉燒飯同 drop 低條車匙俾我

話個老公好錫我又話我 d 叉飯好似好好食0咼

係呀, 真係好好食因為係老公買 - 重好多汁0忝呀(因為老公知我一定要好多汁先鍾意食)

但係有老公悉心既照料同痛錫, 冬天都變得唔凍啦


今天買了一支 Spongebob 潤唇膏給業 haha~ 還記得我們還是好朋友的時候, 有一次他說他嘴唇很乾. 第二天, 我送了一支薄荷味的潤唇膏給他. 我跟他說, "我有東西要給你." 他問道, "是甚麼? 不會是潤唇膏吧?" ^^"

Monday, December 18, 2006


今天去 YMCA 做 gym, 我以為我的 student card 是 YMCA card, 遞了給閘口的 worker haha~ 好尷尬~ =P
My last week was so screwed and I have experienced enough. Last Monday when I got to my office, my co-worker told me that our boss's wife had passed away on Sunday. OMG, what a shocking news to hear first thing before work. The office was full of sadness. People, including me, just had no mood to work, always thought of the happy moment in the past. Hubby got me a Wii on the same day. I just didn't know how to balance my mood at that time, it was hard. On Tuesday, I arrived office before 9a.m., there were only me, the office manager and one other co-worker in the office at that time, when we were chatting, we heard someone from the other office screaming badly, "Help! aarrrrrrrr.....please help...Aiiiiiiii....Help!" We ran to the next door and checked out what happened. A girl there cut her thumb while using the can opener, it was bleeding like girl's period, I calmed her down and my other co-worker helped her to clean her wound, by then, more people arrived and we asked her co-worker to drive her to ER, the girl had 5 stitches. It was funny that when we were trying to rescue her and opened our office's First Aid Kit, we found that everything inside had turned yellow, I suspected it's been putting at the same place since Day 1 our office moved to this location, which was 9 years ago?! OMG. My manager bought a new kit in the later afternoon and we were so pleased. On Wednesday, my boss came to office, I gave him a big hug and he cried badly like a little baby. I felt sorry for him but I couldn't help him much besides lending him my boney shoudler, it was not comfy at all but I believed, it, at least, helped to release his loneliness and sorrowness from his wife's sudden death. Oh Thursday, I started having sore throat, very painful. It was all because I couldn't sleep for several nights. Hubby worked for few nights in a roll without sleep, I was so worried about him driving to work and driving back home. Even now, I am worried everyday, that's why I am very happy to see him after work, that means he's safe. On Friday, we went to our boss's wife's funeral, it was just a simple graveside ceremony and it was my first time going to a western-like funeral. Although I missed her but I guess she was happy to see all of us there and now she was living right beside her mother. Like my grandpa and Auntie Irene, although they have passed away but I could still feel their spirits, we are the same, just that we are living in different world. I learn to be happy and think less at all times, learn hard to treasure every moment but sometimes things are not as easy. I have to repack my mood and get prepared for Christmas and the New Year. Wish good news will be there!~


今天買了聖誕帽~ 星期三的 Christmas concert 可以戴呢~ 喜歡跟小朋友一起感受聖誕氣氛, 因為他們總是興奮雀躍的. ^^"


上星期 seattle 大風吹一吹, 過一百萬戶人家冇電. 17 個 county 進入緊急狀態. 上不到網, 電話網絡不穩定, 交通極度混亂, 一街都係樹 + 警車 + 消防車, 全城一片漆黑. 六死, 過百人傷.

至今尚有不少人要留在 shelter, 還有很多地方未有電.

而我家終於有電啦 !! 感謝收留我的朋友. 亦都感恩, 終於聯絡得到各好友們, 得知大家都冇樹.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

First time post: Hi

Hi guys. First time posting on this site. Thanks Anita for invitation... now I read this site daily.

So. Happy things... hmm... is been long i haven't seen my girlfriend alice because of exam study... today finally get a chacne to see her. Went out try to get a Wii, don't have any in-stock, doesn;t matter.. my girl was being a swtheart... taking me to McDonald to have my favourite sundae... Is fattening... but well... it is a magic what a simple sundae can do. Had fun playing old-school bomberman with gf... she cheated and covered my eyes during it. But is all good.

I shall write more once i know what is a good topic on this site... till then.. i will read along

C ya guys..
may you be happy

3 things

1) I got a haircut today! I'm always happy when I get a haircut haha~ It makes me look more fresh & jing sun~ And it's lighter too~

2) I just finished drawing some pictures for my read-aloud for the Grade Ones tomorrow~ I'm going to read <50 Below Zero> by Robert Munsch to them, and I'll have them draw pictures to make self to text connections~ I hope it'll work! I haven't seen them for so long la, miss them so much!! I can't wait to see them tomorrow~ ^-^

3) 21 ppl have become this blog's authors!

Chocolate ^____^

My boss came back from her business trip today and she especially bought me a box of chocolate for my hardwork =) it's reeeaaally nice with different xmas shapes and kinds of chocolate.
I think that's really nice of her cuz I really didn't expect she would buy something for me. I guess my performance at work....isnt THAT bad afterall...

like Anita said....stressed (at work) is desserts spelled backwards haha~

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


聽緊少爺占o既舊廣播劇 <八王子>, 係講關於八個男仔(男人), 廿幾三十歲, 遇返中學時期o既同學. 令我覺得, 自己真係好幸福. 我有三個小學同學, Nora, Annie & Fabby, 五六年級已經係好朋友, 到中學, 大學, 而家仲會約出黎, 仲會傾電話, 從來都無離開過大家. 無論遇到咩開心唔開心, 佢地o係我身邊, 哩D友情, 真係好難得. =)

Photoshoot Take 2

尋晚係Waterloo開車之前﹐個倒後鏡竟然跌左落黎!!!!! @.@

原本唔係o甘開心﹐但係同Vivian再黎多次Photoshoot(this time it's Hip Hop style)
以前Vivian影相都無乜表情﹐而家擺Pose仲好過我! HA!

得閑影多D先! =P

Two More Days!!!!!!!!!!!

返多兩日工, D細路就放假..........

無左D細路仔, 起碼我唔駛日日好似火燭鬼咁趕頭趕命丫..
再唔駛返八點, 而係九點...


Monday, December 11, 2006


好開心, 填了一首改編詞, 改自 Ivana 的 <巴黎沒有摩天輪>. 喜歡甜的朋友可以到以下這個網址欣賞~

< >

TMX Elmo

This is so funny~~

Christmas Shopping and Photo Taking

星期日﹐和Vivian去了Yorkdale Christmas Shopping, so excited!!
入到Disney Store, 我地好似兩個小朋友o甘﹐見到咩都玩~!
最後仲瘋狂地買左七件Dumbo的BB衫... haha..
只有一件係買俾Ashley...其他是買俾'our future baby'.. haha..
(因為我好鍾意Dumbo,佢既野又少..見到一定要即刻買.. haha)
我地自己只係買左去X'mas party的tee... =P

it was so much fun!! haha..
我地兩個仲影左一張扮我niece同nephew既相.. 傻左! =P

Sunday, December 10, 2006


突然心血來潮, 聽了這個廣播劇, 有很大的感覺. "只要有真愛, 我地一定會聽到對方o既說話"

想起前兩天, 業送我回家時, 他說, "這一程車, 我們不要說話, 好嗎?" 我們就這樣, 聽著陳奕迅的新碟, 由他家返回我的家, 沒有說過一句話. 好寧靜, 好安全. 對, 我們都聽到對方的說話. =)


前日有個學生走落泥school office,



Saturday, December 9, 2006


星期五, 業放工, 如常地來接我回他的家. 不過因為脫了智慧齒的關係, 不能吃 auntie 所煮的晚餐. 業 call 回家, auntie 竟然為我煮粥! 雖然 partly 也是為了她身體有點不適的姐姐~ 這就是愛了...她媽媽愛我, 就像我媽媽愛他一樣. 好溫馨啊~

Friday, December 8, 2006


人大左, 某程度上其實會更加容易快樂.


人生一知己, 死而無憾.


今日返新工既第二日, 超開心

放0左工, 買個外賣, 搭巴士去公司0到搵老公
叫0左佢唔晒接我。 落0左車行緊0個段小路仔去公司, 有架車猛0甘"砵"我
原來係老公呀, 佢最後還是選擇接我 - 怕凍親佢個老婆仔0咼。 感覺超幸福

去到公司同老公一齊食晚飯, 佢有佢食公司飯"食送", 我有我食我既外賣


返到屋企, 兩個跪0係張床上, 佢好溫柔0甘攬住我
忽然覺得。。。 雖然手指重係好痛好痛, 但係身上多0左0個份佢俾我既溫暖
就算再痛都冇所謂。。。 自自然然。。。 好似個傻婆0甘笑到見牙唔見眼 :)

Thursday, December 7, 2006


Mex 突然問起這一首我和 Benedict 在大約四年前製作的歌, 連我自己也忘記了它. 幸好 Benedict 仍然 keep 好了這首歌的 mp3, 聽完後我還抄下了歌詞~ 有些地方填得蠻老土的, 當時還未熟練嘛~ 也是過程的一部份~ 填這首詞的時候, 還未談過戀愛, 但感覺很是甜蜜呢. =P Enjoy!


作曲: Benedict Lee@Pro
填詞: 小雲@Pro (now 曰云@sense)

請踏進新居裡俯仰 廚具餐臺已悉心配上
請踏進屋中的暗香 無懼街中有機件故障
凝望窗邊的太陽 燃亮每道牆

「手牽手地共同別去都市 新屋之內頓時充滿了層次

期望在日後試試 同步度過愛的考試
求能將手中的戒指 跟心坎這份情完全奉獻 待你講聲我願意」

請在試音室裡歌唱 弦樂都等你一曲獻唱
然後緊緊擁抱 全力避免著涼
經年月的深思細想 凝聚的一切歸於我倆
甜或苦都甘去嚐 才站到現場


誰能夠花一生靠依 心中的感動盤旋無限次 讓我感激你的恩賜


去年, 跟業一起了一年多, 填過一首這樣的改編. =)

示範單位 (變臉: 劉浩龍)

忘過淡過 甚麼不會過 每秒跟你的經過
從沒有令你貧乏跟飢餓 承諾叫你甚麼

就約定你在家中見我 約會不需茶座
臺面擺一堆生果 天天一起你切勿生疏 當自己家坐坐

「這裡有清泉紅茶 亦會泡天仁名茶
這裡有窗台 閒時自由一下
要和電視同坐嗎 桌上有愛也有花
令人綿綿沉睡 有張舒適的梳化

世界太匆忙繁華 下半世假如無暇
就要你光臨來長住 還好嗎
與其日夜來念掛 你便還我一個家
未來為求平淡每天三餐 找得到快樂嗎」

城市鬧市 亦都不襯我 卻似魔咒逼緊我
唯獨你贈我平靜的歡樂 如讓你再等 不太像我



Ding dong~ 門鐘為甚麼會響起? 原來業來了找我食 lunch! ><" 他拿了他的飯盒來到我家, 各有各吃自己的午餐. =P 我們間中就是這樣的, 有時是我在學校坐巴士去找他, 有時他來找我. 他的一小時 lunch break, 減了車程, 就只剩下半小時. 感激他突然來到, 探望我這個腫腫的"大面". ^^"


有個母校o既同學下個月結婚喇, 有機會見返D離校之後就失去左聯絡o既舊朋友.

尋晚佢地幾個一齊食飯, 我 drop by 去拎帖, 其實好開心架, 不過我唔記得左其中一個個名, 好尷尬! 原諒我記憶力有D差, But I won't forget the moment that we shared.


我唔知點解好不由自主咁同佢講:我鐘意尼個頭多D =P...
尼個新髮型..真係多謝kelvin & BB ^^


也不覺得怎樣, 只不過又是一個網站瀏灠瀏灠.
但後來發現, 一日過後,
在這兒, 也可找尋快樂.

要學習, 在一件事情上,
是乎你怎樣看它呢. =)


下星期就考試,, 人生未試過認真對待,, 今日難得一次讀書,, 但原來正正經經咁溫習,, 都可以開開心心,, 登時覺得充實左=P

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

First Post


雖然天氣差勁,也沒幫Jo&Hen 找到Nintendo Wii..
漫無目的地cruise around Kitchener/Waterloo,


Share More Smiles

收到兩個 e-mail, 希望我 invite 他們成為這個 blog 的 author, 好開心! 一個是業 soccer team 的球員, 另一個是我不認識的, 但喜歡讀我的詞的人. 證明了人是喜歡快樂的~

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Give me FIVE!

改革後的第二天, 今日表現很好.

新聞部各同事上下一心, 為我支援, 令我順利為改革後的新聞專輯打響了!

想大叫一聲: 得左!


好痛! 今天脫了智慧齒, 現在擁有半張"大面". -_-" 業放工後便來了探我, 媽媽煮粥給我吃, 還買了雪糕三文治~ 一家人一起吃飯, 業跟我們看完<阿旺>才剛剛離開. 的確有點痛, 但很多人愛我. =)

Monday, December 4, 2006


剛才下車, 踏足雪地, 低頭望見自己的一對 boot, 感到好幸福. 是去年聖誕跟他的哥哥和幾位朋友在 Downtown 逛街時, 他送給我的. 又一年了. =)


跟老公去了 Vaghan Mills Mall 逛街
看了很多情侶都手拖手甜甜蜜蜜地逛街, 突然覺得氣氛超好

雖然只是短短兩個鐘, 但是都覺得很十分幸福, 因為今年的聖誕節, 還是和他一起過
亦知道將來的每一天都有他陪著我, 令到我覺得這段婚姻更加可貴的

願所有人都能享受到這種幸福, 與你所愛和愛你的人一起渡過這個快樂的節日


剛剛填了 Benedict 的詞, 主要是說這個弱肉強食的世界已經慢慢逆轉, 人類傾向善良. 每次填些比較激昂的曲都會有新的火花, 像 Benedict 很久以前的<一人流連>和 Davy 的<時不予我>. 這首歌, 陰沉的底下是一股很大的正能量, 當人相信"好"是"好"的, 人就會越變越好.





good good good,

再加hidden track,


今天跟男朋友的家人飲茶, 當 auntie 看見桌上的一籠豉椒排骨蒸腸粉, 她問道, "是我們點的嗎? 我沒有劃過啊." 我答道, "是我點的, 我以為你喜歡吃這個." 然後她說, "對呀, 我很喜歡吃這個腸粉! 我沒有點, 所以沒想過是你們點的."

見過 auntie 幾次也劃了這個點心, 之後每當 uncle 叫我劃點心的時候, 我就會劃這個. 還有, 男朋友喜歡的子薑雞. ^^"

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Ex, Ex-ex, Ex-ex-ex, Ex-ex-ex-ex

昨晚我跟男朋友問起他的幾段感情, 他一一的跟我講, 我耐心的聆聽. 以前我會害怕, 因為我愛比較. 不過昨晚突然好想跟他談論這個話題, 他也毫不保留的跟我分享他的經歷. 今天的我, 不再愛比較.

幸福不是必然的. 聽完他的事, 不知怎麼, 我覺得我更愛他了. 愛就是這麼神奇的. 你以為你已經很愛很愛這個人, 總會有些空間令你更加愛他. 想起容祖兒的<情歌的情歌>, Wyman 填的詞:

"愛並非要來臨叫你感慨 是愛令這個平凡世界精彩
不要盡信苦惱皆因愛 它使生活 帶著期待..."

跟他一起之前, 有一次他不開心, 我就畫了這幅畫給他. =P






A smile

I went to visit Lum today.

Instead of tears, I gave her my sincere smile. The smile she's loved so much.

I was telling her not to worry about me, because I am making my way to the right place she's wished for me.

After that, I went to see Happy Feet. A nice movie with great message. I enjoyed that so much with my girlfriend. Highly recommended!


今日係接女朋友途中 係jazz radio到聽到一隻歌, 記住左個名 and downloading now.

似乎好似簡單左少少 而果隻歌又唔係話咩勁好聽o既歌. 可能最近需要o既就係哩少少. 少少...

Medeski Martin and Wood

Oh Christmas Tree~

今晚在男朋友家吃飯, 飯後跟他一家人佈置聖誕樹. 在地牢拿出了一個紙皮箱, 然後大家紛紛把箱內的聖誕裝飾胡亂的拋在聖誕樹上, 場面很是溫馨. 一個個金色, 紅色, 藍色, 綠色的波波, 閃令令的 strap, 掛滿了整棵大大的樹. 最後出來的傑作, 說實話, 真的不怎麼好看~ 但我相信當我們在將來回看今年聖誕拍的照片時, 一定會記得, 在這個無聊的晚上, 我們曾經傻傻的, 頑皮的把聖誕樹弄成不似聖誕樹的模樣.

Saturday, December 2, 2006






一日, 一周, 一季...
由當初的沉痛, 到現在想她已成為每天生活的一部份
可惜, 當然可惜
怨天, 當然有怨
但同時, 沒有上天的安排
每次拿她的歌來聽: 完成了的, 未完成的
然後又感到無奈, 慨嘆人生無常
但最後又會因為回憶起跟她一幕一幕的快樂片段, 使我笑了
因為很想記起那些快樂事, 所以我很喜歡想她
亦因為我很喜歡想她, 所以一切的快樂記憶得以歷久常新
久而久之, 我已經再沒有強迫自己接受或逃避那天所發生的事情
因為, 在我心目中, 她從沒有離開過
十二月一日, 是她搬進了我的心扉的日子

New Day

It's 12:40pm in the afternoon, and I just woke up. Last night was cold & dark, the windows were making scary noises from the wind, and there were some bad news. I'm glad that I slept through a night with a funny dream.

I dreamed that there were 3 guys in a band, and they all have twins that are in another band, which makes...2 identical bands haha~ I was imagining that they can play magic tricks when they're performing on stage, 'cause each one of them have a duplicate of themselves. -_-" Yeah, it's weird haha~

Sometimes I hate waking up so late 'cause I have so much to do. But today, I feel refreshed. Outside is not dark anymore, and the windows aren't making any scary noises. I get to eat lunch soon, and I'm gonna drink the Coca Cola coffee that my dad bought yesterday.

Time flies, memories never.

It is one of the toughest years I would ever have been in.

I thought one year could at least be enough to tune down that feeling a bit.

Obviously I was wrong.

It's not like the end of the world. But there is a lot to remember.

A lot more than I could have expected.

Scenes kept flashing in and out.

We've been through many things, many years.

You brought me through real down time. But I couldn't bring you through yours.

And now, I am here, you are there.

But I know we will meet there one day.

I may turn into dust one day. But my love for you never vanishes.


I've visited Lumyey yesterday morning. is been a year already =)
everytime I tell her about my life, I always feel thankful that... I'm alive.
everytime I see how Mex improves her singing, how you been doing good with your lyrics writing, looking at your trophy, listen to davy's new songs, seeing how phoenix getting involve with her singing, and many many of you guys who's lives i've involved in... I feel thankful that I'm alive.
everytime i see Orange walks into the house with a smile,...

I feel thankful that I'm alive.


Friday, December 1, 2006

第一滴快樂. :)

今天在梳洗的時候, 忽然在想...我的心情很好, 我很快樂, 但對著鏡子, 這一秒的快樂就只有我自己可以擁有. 所以我決定開一個 blog, 讓來自四方八面的朋友可以在這個空間分享你們的快樂. 每個人也嚮往幸福, 但愁雲慘霧會偶爾掩蓋了生活中美好的事情. 讓我們擁抱每個幸福的感覺, 也好讓忘記了怎樣笑的朋友們重新發現, 原來快樂就是這麼輕易的.

快樂的定義很簡單 -- 令你的嘴角或心靈一笑的感覺. 或許是一份豐富的早餐, 一齣無聊的電影, 一份 B+ 的功課, 一個天馬行空的夢. 假如這一刻的你笑了, 請跟我們分享你甜美的笑容.

我笑了. 因為我想像得到你們浸在這快樂的水池裡, 為各人的生命喝采. 在此跟你們分享這裡的第一滴快樂. 多謝收看. =)