haha... viv and i used to have a piggy bank where we just fill it up with toonies... we went all the way up to $1000.. and then stopped... coz the bank charges u to change all those coins to bills...=.=
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Life can be harsh, but we need to remember to smile. Let's use this space to share our happiness, to share every tiny little thing that makes us feel warm from the inside. It can be a joke, a dream, or something as little as an "A" on an assignment. "A smile is a little curve that straightens everything out." =)
The most money I've ever found was 6$... and I realized 2 minutes later that my bag was open.
Like the way you think.
haha... viv and i used to have a piggy bank where we just fill it up with toonies... we went all the way up to $1000.. and then stopped... coz the bank charges u to change all those coins to bills...=.=
WOW really?? $1000? omg @.@ 聚沙可以成塔~ hahahhaha
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