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Life can be harsh, but we need to remember to smile. Let's use this space to share our happiness, to share every tiny little thing that makes us feel warm from the inside. It can be a joke, a dream, or something as little as an "A" on an assignment. "A smile is a little curve that straightens everything out." =)
意義重大架 =p
A little piece of advice.
千萬別要你的學生在熟雞蛋上畫圖案, 等等. 那種氣味令人作嘔, 廿年後, 我還記得種惡臭... =.=
really? 我打算要他們在雞蛋殼上畫東西, 會有問題嗎?
當年的"粉彩" + 熟雞蛋,
味道像極嘔吐物 =.=
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