"花下留人" (叫做)做好左喇(其實邊有做得完架). 懶o既人(我)係要逼(tum)先會做野.
做左成個月, 要總結一下自己, 同多謝一o的人. (哩o的野可能係人地成功係台上攞左冠軍先會講 但係咩先係成功呢? 哩一刻我都叫做成功submit吖.)
blueair: 你o既意見一直都中肯同中用, 係你身上可以學到o既真係多. 希望我都有日可以幫到你啦.
Ryan: 隻歌有幾個鼓lick 我一聽到就會諗起你, 你有o既天份係我冇架. 畀心機.
JUN: 對你o既guitar 我有十足信心, you are my missing piece. 錄solo入last chorus 果個位 我回頭望你, 你話"就哩個啦"個一刻真係感人. 我想話你知, 我都係覺得果take 好得 所以先望過黎, 你以為我冇聽呀!
曰云: 畀心機. (隻歌可以話係你有份作架喇, 你改左我個chours start pharse 位, 哩o的咪係你o既節奏感囉)
and then 就要同其他"聽"住我作隻歌o既朋友同家人講聲對唔住, 有o的野我都控制唔到, 一有少少成果就想send 晒畀大家聽. (我驚你地以為我一個人係屋到 癲左o者)
對哩隻歌而家可以做o既都做晒喇. 唔入圍都係咁架喇. 祝你好運 阿"歌"仔.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
New born
Me & Yip's < 花下留人 > is born! After days of late night sleep, it's finished!! We slept at about 5am last night/this morning, super tired! -_-zzz But it's worth it. ^^" We're going to the post office to mail it to CASH now, yay~~
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
A Day in Chapters
Copied from xanga~ =P
昨天 (星期天) 業有要事要返工, 我們去了 First Markham Place 吃早餐, 然後他 drop 我去 Chapters, 之後返公司. 我在 Chapters 裡逛了一個圈, 最後從書架取了 Emily Giffin 的 "Baby Proof", 坐在 magazine rack 旁邊的 bench 上慢慢讀. 之前 Annie 借了 Emily Giffin 的 "Something Borrowed" & "Something Blue" 給我, 寫得很不錯, 所以想讀讀她這本新一點的作品~ 大概 1:30pm, 午飯時間, 他過來接我去 "風味" 食 lunch (First Markham Place), 好吃啊~ 之後又 drop 我去 Chapters, 我繼續讀書, 他繼續做事~ =P
他在公司 work 了 11am-7:30pm, 我在 Chapters 也逗留了這麼久~ 書讀了大半了, 下次再回去讀 hehe~ 臨走前突然想起 "Pay it Forward" 的作者 Catherine Ryan Hyde, 順道去看看她有沒有新書. 看到她的名字, 那本書的 title 是 "Love in the Present Tense", 我已經愛上了它! 把它取出來, front cover 有一個正在跳高的小孩, 天上有幾隻小鳥. 在 title 的下端, 寫著 "If you love Pay it Forward, The Notebook and The Five People You Meet in Heaven, this novel will envelop you." -- USA Today. 那一刻, 不知怎地, 我好想哭!! I will sooo fall in love with this book! ^-^ 這是一份莫名其妙的感動. 每本書也有生命, 而這一顆美麗的生命, 在我翻開它之前已經令我有想哭的衝動了.
回家後業還替我用包書膠包好了這本新書呢, 好開心~~
業的歌已有很大的進度呢, 而且越聽越好聽, 越聽越有味道, 越聽越感人~ So proud of you! ^3^
昨天 (星期天) 業有要事要返工, 我們去了 First Markham Place 吃早餐, 然後他 drop 我去 Chapters, 之後返公司. 我在 Chapters 裡逛了一個圈, 最後從書架取了 Emily Giffin 的 "Baby Proof", 坐在 magazine rack 旁邊的 bench 上慢慢讀. 之前 Annie 借了 Emily Giffin 的 "Something Borrowed" & "Something Blue" 給我, 寫得很不錯, 所以想讀讀她這本新一點的作品~ 大概 1:30pm, 午飯時間, 他過來接我去 "風味" 食 lunch (First Markham Place), 好吃啊~ 之後又 drop 我去 Chapters, 我繼續讀書, 他繼續做事~ =P
他在公司 work 了 11am-7:30pm, 我在 Chapters 也逗留了這麼久~ 書讀了大半了, 下次再回去讀 hehe~ 臨走前突然想起 "Pay it Forward" 的作者 Catherine Ryan Hyde, 順道去看看她有沒有新書. 看到她的名字, 那本書的 title 是 "Love in the Present Tense", 我已經愛上了它! 把它取出來, front cover 有一個正在跳高的小孩, 天上有幾隻小鳥. 在 title 的下端, 寫著 "If you love Pay it Forward, The Notebook and The Five People You Meet in Heaven, this novel will envelop you." -- USA Today. 那一刻, 不知怎地, 我好想哭!! I will sooo fall in love with this book! ^-^ 這是一份莫名其妙的感動. 每本書也有生命, 而這一顆美麗的生命, 在我翻開它之前已經令我有想哭的衝動了.
回家後業還替我用包書膠包好了這本新書呢, 好開心~~
業的歌已有很大的進度呢, 而且越聽越好聽, 越聽越有味道, 越聽越感人~ So proud of you! ^3^
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
唔一定要係咩大事先可以開心架, 有時覺得身邊太多野忙黎忙去. 可以get away靜靜地整理自己o既身心都係快樂呀. 見唔到大家post o的大快樂 都應該有o的小快樂o既?
cheer up!! (^O^)/
cheer up!! (^O^)/
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Peter Pan
I watched "Peter Pan" with Fabby today, it's soooo goood!!! It's just like the book~~ ^-^ I love it~
Monday, July 16, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
My first plugged song!!!! ^-^
我第一首 publish 的歌昨天在 903 派台了!!! 是梁雨恩的主打歌!!! OMG 我在發夢嗎??~ Whoever said "只要有恆心 夢想可成真" in some TVB show is right!! 歌名是 "怎麼怎麼", 作曲人是張家誠~ There'll be an interview with the composer on Monday 12pm (HK time) on 903~ The song will be introduced for the first time hehe~ 要聽啊~~ 多謝張家誠, 多謝梁雨恩~ ^-^ 多謝業, 多謝 Blueair, 多謝 Phoenix, 多謝 Adrian, 多謝 Brian~
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 曰云@sense
唱: 梁雨恩
愛又怕 怕又愛 看著掛著沉迷著可有未來
愛著笑 笑著愛 每日繼續無言像與他比賽
走前來 未能迎賓善待 但其實於心中喝采
甜言若是配菜 其時便揭開寶蓋
襯又怕 怕又襯 說著笑著調查著可有下文
近又遠 遠又近 在最後吻下長留面頰的初吻
請留神 是誰如此幸運 像燃亮一屋的掛燈
頭暈像地要震 呆住到零辰時份
「怎麼講高貴說話 怎麼將感覺放下 怎麼怎麼怎麼愛他
怎去畫最迷人的畫 記錄這年華
怎麼講可愛說話 怎麼將青春也儲下 怎麼知道有情人念掛
想去覓遍全球的沙 好好興建城牆了吧
再建沙丘堤壩 為愛戀堅守過 無從驚怕」
我上氣 接下氣 挽著抱著承諾著不要限期
似定理 似做戲 在每日每夜期求學會捉心理
不明瞭 為何如此夢寐 像憑著一雙手去飛
明媚或是洩氣 仍讓我無窮回味
怎麼可豐富對話 怎麼將天氣記下 怎麼怎麼怎麼愛他
怎判斷約誓和謊話 教導我怎捏拿
怎麼將生氣作罷 怎麼等冬天去變夏 怎麼知道愛人騎白馬
想去摘最桃紅的花 給它一個名兒 與它說話
快要給他溶化 沒哪朵花可以代替牽掛
[ 初戀, 就好似一個小朋友咁. 有好多疑問, 好多唔明o既野, 所有野都係新奇o既. 第一次戀愛, 臨訓前o係電話講唔講 "I love you" 都係一個難題. 當然, 未愛過就會想盡辦法去了解如何去愛. =) ]
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 曰云@sense
唱: 梁雨恩
愛又怕 怕又愛 看著掛著沉迷著可有未來
愛著笑 笑著愛 每日繼續無言像與他比賽
走前來 未能迎賓善待 但其實於心中喝采
甜言若是配菜 其時便揭開寶蓋
襯又怕 怕又襯 說著笑著調查著可有下文
近又遠 遠又近 在最後吻下長留面頰的初吻
請留神 是誰如此幸運 像燃亮一屋的掛燈
頭暈像地要震 呆住到零辰時份
「怎麼講高貴說話 怎麼將感覺放下 怎麼怎麼怎麼愛他
怎去畫最迷人的畫 記錄這年華
怎麼講可愛說話 怎麼將青春也儲下 怎麼知道有情人念掛
想去覓遍全球的沙 好好興建城牆了吧
再建沙丘堤壩 為愛戀堅守過 無從驚怕」
我上氣 接下氣 挽著抱著承諾著不要限期
似定理 似做戲 在每日每夜期求學會捉心理
不明瞭 為何如此夢寐 像憑著一雙手去飛
明媚或是洩氣 仍讓我無窮回味
怎麼可豐富對話 怎麼將天氣記下 怎麼怎麼怎麼愛他
怎判斷約誓和謊話 教導我怎捏拿
怎麼將生氣作罷 怎麼等冬天去變夏 怎麼知道愛人騎白馬
想去摘最桃紅的花 給它一個名兒 與它說話
快要給他溶化 沒哪朵花可以代替牽掛
[ 初戀, 就好似一個小朋友咁. 有好多疑問, 好多唔明o既野, 所有野都係新奇o既. 第一次戀愛, 臨訓前o係電話講唔講 "I love you" 都係一個難題. 當然, 未愛過就會想盡辦法去了解如何去愛. =) ]
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The Universe in a Single Atom
Finished reading Dalai Lama's "The Universe in a Single Atom". It's easier to read than I expected. It's a book that talks about science, spirituality, Buddhism, and humanity. It's a beautiful book that bears wisdom and compassion that can reach people at the bottom of their heart. I believe in the natural goodness in people, and the 70-year-old wise man has reinforced my belief. So wonderful, so touching and powerful. I'm feeling so peaceful right now. ^-^
Dalai Lama has published another book called "The Art of Happpiness", and I'm really interested in reading that later on. =)
Dalai Lama has published another book called "The Art of Happpiness", and I'm really interested in reading that later on. =)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Dinner with Yip
Didn't plan to have dinner with Yip tonight, but his parents weren't home, so we went to eat with his siblings~ =)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
恭喜您成功申請成為CASH作家會員﹗您的申請已經於2007年6月21日的理事會議中通過,並被接納為普通會員(Associate Member)。"
I'm finally a CASH member!!~ ^-^
恭喜您成功申請成為CASH作家會員﹗您的申請已經於2007年6月21日的理事會議中通過,並被接納為普通會員(Associate Member)。"
I'm finally a CASH member!!~ ^-^
Monday, July 9, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Yip started composing a song yesterday, and it's GREAT~~~ I feel so proud & happy for him! ^-^
Monday, July 2, 2007
1) I went to Sammi's concert with Yip & my friends!
2) I went to the beach with a bunch of Yip's friends who've become my friends!
3) I recorded 2 songs with the help of Yip!
4) Blueair will finish mixing "520"!
5) I will go sing K with Annie on Wed!
6) I will go to Summerlicious with Yip & my friends on Fri!
2) I went to the beach with a bunch of Yip's friends who've become my friends!
3) I recorded 2 songs with the help of Yip!
4) Blueair will finish mixing "520"!
5) I will go sing K with Annie on Wed!
6) I will go to Summerlicious with Yip & my friends on Fri!
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